Thursday, October 12, 2006

10/12/06 - Today is Justin's b-day, the big 39. He always teases me that I am 40. He did it so much that I started thinking I was 40 and even told people that. It was kind of fun to realize that I am only 38!

Anyway, we'll be having a b-day dinner with Justin's folks and sister tomorrow to celebrate. Jacksons game went well this week even though they lost - they were up against the best team in the league and they really tried hard. Jackson had one really good sack where he took down their quarterback, he isn't afraid to get in there and take down those guys that are bigger than him.

We are all looking forward to football being over so that we can get our free time back. Jackson will probably start up his guitar lessons again and Grace wants to take dance or gymnastics. We'll have to see if we can find something local.

I'm reading a new author from Utah called Stephanie Meyer - the book is called Twilight. It's a vampire love story - my favorite :-)

UEA has been great so far, spent the day shopping for Justin. Looking forward to relaxing tomorrow and not doing much other than cleaning the house, something it desprately needs.

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